Sunday, August 14, 2005

Enemy Chatter

Here's what Jackson Lewis is telling its clients about the AFL-CIO/Change to Win Coalition Split. I gather Jackson Lewis has been at the forefront of management chatter on this topic, probably in hopes of grabbing some nervous clients up in their protective arms.

Which brings me to a quick point about how we plan to handle the Current Unpleasantness here at The Union Lawyer. We don't have any intention of taking sides in this dispute, since we represent unions, and want union folk of all stripes to feel welcome here. But it seems like it would be nearly impossible to avoid discussing the split at this time. That several unions have left the AFL-CIO is probably the biggest news for labor, inside and outside of labor, that has happened in quite some time. We don't want to spill a lot of net-ink over the news, but we want our readers to be informed. If you feel that any of our coverage seems biased one way or another, let us know and we will engage in some harsh self-criticism. In the meantime, send us tales of labor victory so cacophonous and wonderful we won't have time to write about anything else.


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