Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Don't Call It A Comeback

When you eat, sleep and breathe unions, its a little hard to get perspective on where the labor movement is going, and how its getting there. The Las Vegas Sun has this article about unions, and how they have surprising strength. The authors attribute the labor movement's potential to having chosen the "right" issues, like healthcare, and the "right" friends, Democrats for whom the labor movement was an important port in the 2006 storm (errr, election).

The labor movement is also trying to get a handle on New Media (can the internet even be called that anymore). There is a Labor Movement Channel at Go Left TV (look in the Channel menu). Most of the pieces are produced like traditional news shows, and provide more exposition than an already labor-knowledgable viewer might need. But its a start. Just not sure how you get people to watch it. Here's the most recent episode:

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