Sunday, August 14, 2005

Homeland Security Employees in from the Cold

U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer has ruled that Department of Homeland Security rules on collective bargaining and employee appeals could not be implemented because they did not ensure the rights of unionized workers in the department. The Washington Post reports,
"The regulations fail in their obligation to ensure collective bargaining rights to DHS employees," the judge said. She said federal unions would be bargaining "on quicksand, as the department would retain the right to change the underlying bases for the bargaining relationship and absolve itself of contract obligations while the unions would be bound."

You can also find news on this in the New York Times, the Seattle Times, and plenty of other places.


At 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't realize any DHS employees had collective barg. rights. I thought the Republicans had eliminated them for Dept of Homeland Security employees. Did they just not grant such rights to new DHS workers? I confess I don't do any federal labor relations work (in case it's not obvious).


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