Thursday, September 29, 2005

In No Particular Order

I did an arbitration today against a management lawyer who was bragging about how his client had filed DOL charges against HERE Local 5 in Hawaii for "taking bribes" (getting free parking at the employer's resort while on union business). I sort of ignored him because it made no freaking sense, but then I saw this article. I will be sharing this with all my clients because I think this will be a new cheap and easy unionbusting tactic.

The Change to Win conference has generated moderate buzz, but because the conference reiterated the main themes of CTW (organize or die, Dems can't rely on them) and did not roll out any major news, there's not much to say. Terry O'Sullivan is saying it's when-not-if for the Laborers' departure from the AFL-CIO.

If they want a great first target, I suggest Gov. Schwarzenegger, who vetoed AB48, which would have raised minimum wage today. Thanks, Gov. Enjoy your 33% ratings while you're still in office, a$$hole.

A number of NHL players have filed Board charges against the NHL Players Association for the way the executive director election was conducted. See here. It seems to obvious to say, but I wonder if this ship-jumping is somehow related to the recent contract concessions. Hmmm.


At 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the Local 5/Hawaii article - how bizarre. Does Hawaii have a different set of ethical rules? ones that permit the Employer's lawyer to insist the client committed a felony instead of an NLRA violation. We don't want a notice posting, damnit, we want criminal liability. McCracken's right. It strikes me as a strategy (desperate) to intimidate NLRB officials.


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