Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Stuff in the News

Sorry about my absence.

Here’s an interesting article about a Wal-Mart exec who defrauded and embezzled from Wal-Mart by saying he was using funds to buy off union officials to find out their organizing tactics. Of course not a penny went to any union person (thank god). But no one was surprised that a Wal-Mart exec would be using thousands of dollars for that purpose….

In better news, Ralphs Grocery Co. was indicted in mid-December on charges that they illegally rehired locked out workers during their labor dispute with the UFCW.

The LA Times concluded their huge four-part series on the United Farm Workers. Here's a link to the last article, focusing on Eliseo Medina. Along the right hand-side of the article are links to the previous three articles, which are pretty scathing. Here's the first, second, and third articles.