More On The Writers' Strike
Except for the fact that folks are having to strike over such an obvious issue as revenue from new media sources, this strike is like a labor utopia for me. By the way, I want to mention that I do not represent WGA or SAG or AFTRA. I represent a couple of IATSE locals but none are impacted by the strike. Not sure whether representing one of those unions would create a conflict of interest but I wanted to give full disclosure.
Anyway, back to labor utopia. Driving home last night, I listened to 15 full minutes of labor coverage. Never in my life have I heard that much labor talk, none of it from a unionbuster, on NPR. The media feels such a kinship with WGA (I hope), they are giving them actual coverage. Its also in the NYT, Yahoo News, Google News, and The Recorder (CA legal news). And that's just the old media. You can find WGA on their own websites, on Facebook, YouTube and MySpace and probably some other places I have never heard of. It's awfully refreshing. Check United Hollywood for links to those places where you can learn more. And sign the WGA petition.
Oh, and if you still don't understand what this is about:
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